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5 customer experience metrics to track

Written by Newsroom | Jan 2, 2023 4:42:21 PM

Customer experience is at the core of any successful business. Hence, every company must find a way to measure its customer experience so that it can improve the business processes and overall customer experience, ultimately leading to more revenue generation for the company.

The important point is to understand what to measure and how. Therefore, it is imperative to choose the right customer service KPI metrics for a CMO because of customer centricity. Any decision you make has to consider how it will impact the customer's perception of your company.

This guide will point you in the right direction when measuring your customer service and experience through relevant KPIs.


Why Is It Important to Measure Your Customer Experience?

Measuring customer experience is important because it directly impacts the user engagement and ultimately, sales. But it goes beyond that because it represents the whole relationship between the business and its customers.

Some of the prominent advantages of measuring customer experience are:


Cost saving:

Properly defined customer experience metrics can save a lot of money for your company by improving processes and creating better products/services for your customers. You need to measure customer experience to know what are the lacunas that need improvement. With more accurate measurements, you can better allocate funds to areas that need it the most.



Another reason you should measure customer experience is that you can save time on business decisions. When you know what your customers think about your company, you can make better decisions regarding marketing strategies and business processes and create products/services that your customer wants. 


Better resources allocation:

You can only provide quality service to your customers if you measure it. Customer experience dashboard will allow you to understand what your customer’s needs  are. You can allocate the right resources to the appropriate segment if you get the correct input.


5 metrics to measure customer experience in 2023

Here is customer service KPI metrics that every business should track:


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The NPS is the most popular measure of customer satisfaction and loyalty. This metric measures how your customers suggest your company's products or services to others on a scale of 0 to 10.

Lower rating means the customer is not interested in your products and doesn't  want to promote it. Whereas a higher shore means the client is "extremely likely" to suggest your products to others. Customers who rate between 0-6 are known as detractors. One who rates between 7-8 is passive. And a customer who rates you at 9-10 is a promoter.

The percentage of NPS is calculated by adding the promoter's percentage minus the percentage of detractors. Customers who promote your business will buy again from you and recommend your products. Customers who are detractors don't recommend your service to anyone, while passive customers don't care about your brand.



CSAT stands for customer satisfaction score and ranges from 1 to 5, with 5 being "highly satisfied" and 1 being "not satisfied". The higher the score, the happier your customers are with your company. 

CSAT is calculated by the number of 1-5 rated customers divided by the total number of surveyed customers x 100. For example, if 70 customers rate you a 4 or 5 out of 5, you have a CSAT score of 70%.

This metric helps to track your customer satisfaction over time and highlight any changes in your products and services that are driving high or low scores.


Customer Effort Score (CES)

The CES represents the amount of effort your customer exerts to solve their problem or issue with your service, product or brand. It measures how easy or difficult it is for customers to use your product, get the right  information about it or to contact your company for customer support.

CES is a survey and is calculated  by asking them how they feel about your company on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 7, where 1 means "very easy" and 5 or 7 means "very difficult". To calculate this metric, divide the number of customers rated 5 and above by the total number of surveyed customers x 100%.


Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

This metric helps to measure the average customer’s revenue created over the amount of time a customer spends with your business. Usually, it is one year or more. It can be calculated by multiplying the average time spent with the average dollar spent  by the average purchase frequency with the average customer lifespan.


First contact resolution

The First contact resolution describes the percentage of customers that are happy with the outcome of a brand contact, and it’s vital to evaluate the modern CX. This metric is measured by asking the customer if their questions or issues were resolved at the end of an interaction. As long as the automated services, like digital assistants, were used more and more to interact with customers, it’s important to value this metric, to ensure the best experience for your customer and to identify any potential problem that should be fixed.