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5 reasons why Black Friday is a hacker's paradise

Written by Newsroom | Nov 14, 2023 8:55:07 AM

Black Friday, the day known for unbeatable discounts and a consumer frenzy, is eagerly awaited by shoppers worldwide. Yet this day is not only a playground for shoppers but also a goldmine for hackers who are well-prepared to exploit a range of vulnerabilities that come with the heightened retail activity. Here, we unravel the reasons why Black Friday stands as a feast day for cybercriminals, delving deeply into each concern and offering insights into the challenges faced by both consumers and retailers.

Increased Online Traffic

Heightened Phishing Attempts

During Black Friday, the online space sees a tremendous uptick in activity with a barrage of offers flooding consumers' inboxes and social media feeds. Hackers seize this opportunity to orchestrate intricate phishing campaigns, creating highly sophisticated websites and communications that mimic reputable retailers to a tee. These phishing attempts are not just confined to emails but span across various platforms including SMS, WhatsApp, and social media, making it a multifaceted threat that preys on individuals eager to grab the most enticing deals. Moreover, hackers often use urgent language to pressure shoppers into quickly clicking on malicious links, thereby bypassing their normal caution.

Malware Distribution

The frenzied environment also paves the way for the rampant distribution of malware. Hackers craft tempting offers that lead consumers to download malicious apps or click on corrupted links that appear to be genuine. Once clicked, these facilitate a series of adverse events ranging from the silent harvesting of personal data to the installation of ransomware that can lock users out of their devices, demanding hefty sums for release. They can even employ sophisticated techniques to use the compromised devices as a part of a botnet for further attacks.


Overwhelmed Security Systems

Network Vulnerabilities

As retailers are engrossed in facilitating a smooth shopping experience focusing largely on infrastructure scalability to manage the spike in traffic, there is often a sidelining of critical security protocols. This myopic focus creates a fertile ground for hackers to pinpoint and exploit network vulnerabilities. These could range from SQL injections to exploiting outdated software components, which can give them backdoor access to sensitive databases, leading to massive data breaches that have far-reaching consequences.

Zero-Day Attacks

Amidst the chaos, zero-day vulnerabilities - flaws unknown to the vendor until they are exploited - emerge as a potent threat. Hackers leverage these vulnerabilities to infiltrate systems stealthily, moving laterally across networks to access a wealth of information. They deploy malware that can sit undetected for a considerable period, extracting valuable data over time, and sometimes even demanding ransoms threatening to release sensitive data to the public.


Impulsive Buying Decisions

Deceptive Websites

Black Friday is synonymous with rapid-fire buying decisions, often fueled by the fear of missing out on limited-time offers. Hackers prey on this impulsiveness by setting up deceptive websites that resemble authentic platforms to an uncanny extent. These websites are meticulously designed to steal data ranging from personal information to credit card details. Furthermore, they may harbor malicious scripts that get triggered to initiate unauthorized transactions silently in the background while the consumer is browsing, adding another layer of deceit and complexity to the threats they pose.

Email Scams

Email scams become prolific during Black Friday, where cybercriminals employ psychological tactics to lure consumers into divulging sensitive information. Utilizing carefully crafted email templates that evoke a sense of urgency and offer seemingly unbeatable deals, hackers succeed in deceiving many individuals. Moreover, they might use social engineering tactics to personalize these emails, increasing the chances of consumers falling for the scam.


Use of Unsecured Networks

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

The hustle and bustle of Black Friday often leads consumers to use unsecured networks for their shopping sprees. These networks become grounds for man-in-the-middle attacks where hackers intercept communications between the buyer and the retailer, siphoning off sensitive information. These attacks are highly sophisticated, sometimes altering the content of the communication seamlessly, thereby manipulating both parties involved without arousing suspicion.

Rogue Wi-Fi Networks

In the heightened shopping atmosphere, hackers sometimes set up rogue Wi-Fi networks in public places, enticing consumers with free internet access. These networks are essentially traps, and once a consumer connects to them, they are at the mercy of the attacker. Hackers can employ a range of techniques from packet sniffing to data interception, all aimed at stealing personal information or injecting malicious content into the user's session.


Infiltration through Supply Chain Attacks

Vendor Compromises

Supply chains witness an exponential increase in transactions during Black Friday. Hackers meticulously plan to compromise vendors and suppliers who might not have robust security infrastructures. This compromise of a single entity in the supply chain can have a domino effect, leading to the infiltration of larger networks associated with prominent retailers. These attacks are intricate and coordinated, exploiting a myriad of vulnerabilities in the interconnected web of the retail ecosystem.

Sophisticated Malware Attacks

In a supply chain attack, hackers do not just stop at infiltrating networks; they deploy sophisticated malware that can reside undetected in systems for a long period. This malware can be programmed to harvest a vast array of data, providing a continuous stream of information to the hackers. Moreover, it can disrupt the normal functioning of critical systems, causing havoc during the peak shopping period, and potentially damaging the reputation of businesses involved, with ramifications lasting long after the Black Friday season ends.



Black Friday represents a time of joy and a shopping extravaganza for consumers worldwide, offering a golden opportunity to grab the best deals. However, this festival of shopping comes with its set of substantial risks. It embodies a paradise for hackers, with opportunities rife for exploitation.

The heightened traffic, overwhelmed security systems, impulsive buying decisions, the use of unsecured networks, and vulnerabilities in the supply chain craft a landscape ripe for cyber-attacks. Both retailers and consumers must approach this period with a heightened sense of vigilance and responsibility.

While businesses should invest in bolstering their cybersecurity infrastructure and educating their workforce, consumers need to be discerning and cautious while navigating the online shopping space. A concerted effort towards cybersecurity can indeed ensure that Black Friday remains a celebration of shopping and not a playground for cybercriminals. It's a call to secure the festive spirit from the clutches of unseen hackers, ensuring peace of mind and the safe acquisition of desired products.