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Past, present and future of cyber threats in the financial sector

Written by Newsroom | Sep 20, 2023 1:57:57 PM

The financial sector has historically been one of hackers' favorite playground. Learn how cyber threats in this field have evolved in time


The financial sector stands as a colossal entity, managing and maneuvering the world's wealth. Given the mammoth amount of monetary assets and the confidential information stored within its digital walls, it is no wonder that this sector has continually found itself at the epicenter of the cyber attack matrix. To fully appreciate the landscape of cyber threats to the financial industry, one must grasp the intricate evolutionary timeline and its corresponding nuances. This article seeks to provide a deep dive into this evolution, elucidating the myriad ways the threats have grown in sophistication and stealth.

The Genesis of Cyber Threats 

To understand the evolutionary journey, it's pivotal to travel back to the embryonic stages of cyber threats in the financial realm.

Pre-internet Era and Physical Threats

Prior to the widespread adoption of the Internet and digital systems, threats to the financial sector were primarily physical. While these were not "cyber" threats per se, they set the stage by highlighting vulnerabilities in security systems. Bank robberies, insider threats, and physical document thefts were common.

Dawn of the Digital Age

The late 1980s and early 1990s marked the transition from manual ledgers to digital systems. As banks and financial institutions began integrating computerized systems into their operations, rudimentary digital threats emerged. Early computer viruses and worms found their way into these systems, but at this juncture, malicious intent was more experimental rather than financial.

The Paradigmatic Shifts

The Internet and Connectivity Explosion:

The late 1990s and early 2000s witnessed the exponential growth of the Internet and its incorporation into financial systems. Online banking, stock trading, and digital transactions became commonplace. Correspondingly, the threats metamorphosed from being experimental to financially driven. Phishing attacks, wherein attackers disguised as trustworthy entities to extract sensitive data, proliferated.

Rise of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs):

These sophisticated attack strategies typically target organizations for business or political motives. Often, they use a combination of methods to penetrate the target's defenses, remaining undetected for extended periods. Nation-state actors, motivated by geopolitical objectives or the desire for economic espionage, began to target financial institutions with APTs, aiming to destabilize economies or steal valuable intelligence.

The Era of Organized Cybercrime

By the 2010s, cybercrime had become a profitable venture. With the immense potential for monetary gains, organized crime groups started investing in cyber tools and tactics.

Banking Trojans and RATs

Malware specifically designed to target banking customers proliferated. Examples include Zeus, Dridex, and TrickBot. These banking Trojans sought to steal credentials or hijack legitimate banking sessions. Additionally, Remote Access Trojans (RATs) enabled attackers to gain control over a victim's computer, often leading to siphoning funds.

SWIFT Attacks

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) network, which facilitates global banking transactions, became a focal point for attackers. The infamous Bangladesh Bank heist in 2016, where attackers managed to steal $81 million by manipulating SWIFT transactions, stands testament to this growing threat vector.

The Modern Terrain

Ransomware and the Financial Sector

Initially, ransomware targeted individuals, encrypting their personal files and demanding payment. However, its potential was soon realized by cybercriminals, and financial institutions, given their deep pockets, became prime targets. The ability to halt banking operations can lead to significant financial and reputational losses.

Cloud Vulnerabilities

As financial institutions migrated to the cloud, attackers followed suit. Misconfigurations, weak security postures, and inadequate monitoring of cloud environments became the Achilles' heel for many organizations.

API-based Attacks

Modern banking heavily relies on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to integrate various services. Weaknesses in API security can provide an avenue for attackers to access sensitive data or disrupt services.

Defending the Financial Bastion

It's evident that as technology has advanced, so has the cunning and capability of cyber adversaries. Therefore, the financial sector must not only be reactive but proactive. Investments in threat intelligence, robust security infrastructure, real-time monitoring, and continuous employee training are paramount.

In conclusion, the evolutionary trajectory of cyber threats in the financial sector paints a sobering picture, but it also offers a roadmap. By understanding the past and present threat landscapes, financial institutions can better anticipate and mitigate future threats. The price of digital freedom is eternal vigilance, and in the financial realm, this adage has never been more pertinent.