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UNGUESS Testing Services for the Energy & Utilities Sector

Written by Redazione | Apr 16, 2024 8:01:55 AM

In the dynamic energy and utilities sector, where customer experience and digital security are increasingly crucial, UNGUESS's testing services play a fundamental role in setting new standards of excellence and protection. Our extensive experience collaborating with leading energy and utility service providers has enabled us to develop innovative testing solutions tailored to the specific needs of this industry.

Our experience in the Energy & Utilities sector

We have worked with nearly all the major utility service providers in Italy, completing over 100 testing campaigns that cover the entire service funnel, from website verification to meter reading and billing. This experience has allowed us to refine our skills and become a trusted partner for utilities, ensuring solutions that perfectly fit their needs.


Authentic feedback for continuous improvement

To continuously improve retention and customer satisfaction, we have developed an approach based on testing with real users. Our vast crowd of testers provides valuable insights that help us deeply understand the expectations and needs of utility service users. This strategy enables us to identify strengths and areas for improvement, suggesting targeted changes that enhance customer loyalty and improve their overall experience.

Extensive and customized testing services

Our testing services cover all aspects of the user experience in the utilities sector, from functional tests to ensure software and processes work smoothly, to non-regression tests to guarantee consistency in improvements, and data verification for security and compliance. Our Bug Reporting platform provides real-time feedback, essential for effective testing process management and maintaining complete transparency with our clients.

A commitment to cybersecurity

Recognizing the critical importance of data security in the utilities sector, we have developed a robust approach to cybersecurity. Through the use of certified ethical hackers, we conduct thorough tests to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities in computer systems. This proactive approach ensures that customer information is protected from external risks, strengthening trust in the security of digital platforms.