How cybersecurity can improve the customer experience
An understanding of the risks related to the cyber system is mandatory for organizations. Find out some best practices to enhance online security and...
The most common errors of A/B testing
A/B testing is a life saver for organizations. The testing process comprises critical aspects failing to those can lead to a loss of time and...
How to choose the best test for your AI chatbot
Software AI chatbots are one of fast-growing interactive platforms for companies. But how can you test them to ensure the highest quality?
UNGUESS on Swiss banks: the best websites to open an account
UNGUESS has involved its global community in the evaluation of the websites of six Swiss banks: Migros, UBS, Credit Suisse, neon, PostFinance,...
Why Customer Journey Mapping is not enough: introducing CJ Benchmarking
Markets are undergoing rapid transformations placing companies in a state of hyper-competitivity. A client-centric approach is no longer sufficient.
From the dream of flying to the discovery of a tester community
Rino is a 31-year-old from Catania who has been a fan of aircraft since he was a child and grew up wanting to become a pilot. But Covid got in the...